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Thread: How Canonical/Ubuntu loosing their oportunity over and over in Desktop world

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    How Canonical/Ubuntu loosing their oportunity over and over in Desktop world

    Firstly small intro:

    I joined Linux world 7 years ago and since than I have been using many distros - mainy Ubuntu based ones.
    My main goal was to get OS which could support my hardware and get rid off Win XP.
    The first thing I read on Ubuntu forum was that as a newbie I would have to learn a lot about Linux and ... I did.

    Now after few years I spotted that obligation of learning lays always on end users but never on OS suppliers.
    Generally I must say that I am unfortunately disappointed with Linux and particularly with Ubuntu.

    My main issues with Linux/Ubuntu are:

    1. DRIVERS
    Drivers never were the strongest point of Linux and when you buy PC you must choose wisely because Linux might not even start on it.
    I unfortunately noticed also totally lack of interested in taking care of that subject by Canonical/Ubuntu teams.
    In my case:
    I have 2 core CPU 64bit + 8 GB + Intel graphics card (safest choice).
    3 years ago I installed 14.04 which was working ok with some wifi problems.
    Now I was going to install 18.04 (Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu) and it turns out that my graphics card is not supported any longer as a old one.
    Naturally nomodeset opition does't work and there is one solution that I found on Ubuntu forum ... buy new machine or find new distro.
    From my point of view adding wide range of graphics drivers should be always crutial for LTS release.
    At the same time Win 10 works perfectly out of the box.

    Why can't Cannonical add ,instead of increasing ISO size with other stuff (latest Gimp, Libre), let say 500-700MB with drivers - especially with LTS release?
    Noone knows.

    Another example.
    There is well known problem with scanners in 18.04 (sane issue) spotted 1 year ago and totally ignored by Ubuntu team.

    2. System req specyfication for weaker PC.

    As short as possible:
    Lubuntu 14.04 - 512Mb RAM
    Lubuntu 18.04 - 2GB RAM

    At the same time Win7/10:
    32bit - 1GB RAM
    64bit - 2GB RAM

    3. Myth about security
    It is said that Linux is really secure.
    Since 2011 I have witnessed:
    putting haked isos on Linux Mint servers

    Moreover when you learn a lit a bit about vulnerabilities(owasp) you discover that there are plenty of weak points in Linux
    Your hard disk can be locked by ransome in the same way as on Windows system.
    It's extremely easy to get root privilage if you have phisical access to machine (easier than in Windows 7 + ). It takes couple of minutes and there are lots of tutorials on youtube how to do it. The most interested is that problem/feature has been known for years and still noone is doing anythig to eliminate it.

    ... and so on ... and so on

    Although Canonical has all tools to get succeed , in my opinion they lost a plot recently and shifted in totally wrong direction.
    So perheps instead of releasing new version every few months they should finally focus on quality and rethink they policy towards end users
    Mayby not flighting in to space could help in becoming a reliable system provider for Destkop users and stop limiting Xubuntu to 3 years support would be a good decision.

    I read somewhere that if there might be a problem with your PC you will surely find it in Linux.

    I wish it would be changed someday.

    Signed by
    Someone who is returning into Windows world.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: How Canonical/Ubuntu loosing their oportunity over and over in Desktop world

    Not a support request, so moved to the appropriate forum.


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